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1 year warranty
with wall bracket
of spare parts are available
CO2isacolorless gas with a density about 60% higher than that of dry air. Considered as best extinguishing gas. It suppress oxygen by eliminating heat, CO2 is most effective as afire extinguishing agent. NFPA -12 Rules and BIS 6382 Codes for design of such system are used as standard for CO2 Extinguishing or flooding system. CO2 gas generally stored in high pressure seamless steel cylinders is in liquid form with maximum filling ratio of 0.667 Kg/Ltr of cylinder volume.
In order to the fire hazard CO2 cylinders Quantity varies. On large hazards where several cylinders are required a manifold is used to connect each other by means of flexible hose and check valve. The cylinder's master valve is electronically operated and the slave valve is pressure actuated. The master valve can be automatically or manually operated. Flow rate of CO2 is controlled.
Mostideal for protecting paint and varnish manufacturing process area. For LT panels, control rooms (Power Plant), Powder coating and paint booths, transformers and sub- stations, rolling mills and turbines, false floors and cable shafts, etc... Primary Primary Slave Shave Slave Slave Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder Cylinder SAFEPRO Carbon Dioxide Fire Protection System offers a unique high pressure that minimizes the potential loss of lives and properties by acting in lowering the fire temperature and reducing oxygen level below reignition point. CO2 Cylinders are made of seamless steel and available in various capacities. Cylinders, combined with other system parts provide a comprehensive system suitable for total flooding and local application scenarios.
Ensure fire safety, save life save property. Carelessness is the biggest cause of fire.